NY-based Artist/Painter/Designer TTK had his latest solo exhibit “See What I’m Seeing” curated by Kate Storch and Elliot Clarke, September 28 – October 1, coming from the success of his book “See What I’m Seeing” available now on his website artbyttk.com
FRANK wasn’t about to miss it. Known for his beautiful use of colors and details, TTK showcased his most intimate collection yet, including important people in his life in his painting such as his mother, his daughter, and friends but in his eyes as they reflect him.

We got to chop it up with TTK to further discuss his creative process, design background, artistic path, attending New York City College of Technology (shout out to Prof Eli Neugeboren and Prof Davis), his personal influences, and the work and thought process that went into putting this exhibit together.
Check out our interview with TTK:
Find TTK on Instagram: @gottkgo