CT: At what point do you consider launching the OpTic house? H3CZ: It took about two years to do that, simply because I didn’t know any better. I just didn’t know any…

CT: At what point do you consider launching the OpTic house? H3CZ: It took about two years to do that, simply because I didn’t know any better. I just didn’t know any…
An excerpt from Fwiz in OpTic Evolution: Volume 1 from Chapter 65. CT: How did you meet Hector and join OpTic? FWIZ: You just start to see these lines really converging at…
An excerpt from Hutch in OpTic Evolution: Volume 1 from Chapter 65. CT: Did you ever think OpTic would become what it is today? Hutch: I was pretty convinced early on that…
Teabagging your opponents is a show of dominance. If you don’t shoot the body of your opponent after turning on them, it’s almost like you didn’t kill them. Always fist bump after…
Part 1 of our interview with H3CZ from OpTic. Neil: Yo, everybody, this is Neil from Frank151. I’m sitting with H3CZ here. Questions from the top of the dome. Now, I’m the…
In 2010 FRANK151 had the pleasure of having legend and longtime friend Ricky Powell curate one of our chapter books, Chapter 43: Bug Out! Below is a brief history of the one…
Welcome to Ricky Powells Art Funk Explosion. This exhibit takes you from Ricky’s west village apt to his Frank151 Bug Out! release party at Sacred Gallery.
It’s very possible that you’ve never seen Joe Conzo, or even heard his name, but you’ve probably seen his work. Originally from the Bronx, Joe Conzo snapped many of hip-hop’s “baby pictures.”…