Line Traveling Circus | 17.1 Weather Or Not

LINE Traveling Circus is back for its 17th season!

Season 17 kicks off with a trip back east to meet old friends and unstable weather. The crew laps the park at Sugarbush, the ice at Gore Mtn, the slush at Whiteface, and caps it off with a DIY session at Snow Ridge.

Wood enthusiast, Ian Compton shows us the sauna he built. Will gets sweaty. Andy loses his ferry ticket before boarding the boat. Powder-boy Mitchell learns how to ski the east coast “hardcore-real-stuff”. Tweak invites us to his family cabin the Adirondacks. Sawyer gets filmed. Shane laughs at Andy. Our old friend Nick now owns a ski area in New York, which has baby goats. Bennie goes big, AND goes home!

Featuring: Andy Parry Will Wesson Bennie Osnow Mitchell Brower Ian Compton Kevin Merchant Connor Starr Shane McFalls Sawyer Sellingham Charlie Dayton Erik Olson (kinda)


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