Take A Look Into The World Of The Most Creative Man on a Snowboard | Zeb Powell

What can we even say about the superstar force that Zeb has become in the world of snowboarding…

Zeb debuted as a breakout star in Knuckle Huck; Zeb Powell casually claimed gold in his first ever X Games appearance at Aspen 2020, wearing heart-shaped pink sunglasses he found on the ground moments before the contest. He has come to embody everything people love about Knuckle Huck: wild, stylish, creative, unconventional, innovative, unpredictable. Zeb’s path took him from North Carolina–hardly a snowboard hotbed–to a scholarship student at the famed Stratton Mountain School, where he sharpened his skills. The attention from his X Games victory put a spotlight on how few Black athletes are represented in professional snowboarding, and it lit a fire inside him to start initiatives like the Slide-In Tour and Culture Shifters to help change the face of the sport.

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