Cardi B Confirms Next Year Will Bring a New Album

During her guest appearance on ‘Ebro in the Morning,’ Cardi B announced that her next album will not be ready by the end of 2023, but it will be arriving very early into next year.

Cardi has been telling fans and followers for awhile now that her next album was in the works. However, the album has seemed to slow down since as Cardi B said: “I’m just holding it because I feel like I’m missing a couple of things.” Fans began to speculate that the rap queen had gotten cold feet when she heard that Taylor Swift had a new album dropping this fall, but Cardi refuted those rumors saying she “wasn’t even thinking like that” and simply wanted to perfect her album.

She touched on the struggles she faced when releasing an album while pregnant, explaining why she is putting more time and effort to make this next album perfect. She said, “For my first album, I didn’t get to do not even half the things I wanted to do because I was super super duper pregnant. I missed out on a lot of videos I wanted to do, I missed out on touring — I just missed out on a lot of things, so I just gotta make sure that everything is just planned out.”

Cardi also talked about realizing the height of peoples’ expectations for her next album, saying that “everything just has to be like perfect from everything because I feel like people are expecting so much.”

It is slightly refreshing to hear a truly realistic release timeline rather than fans continuing to hear “it’s coming soon” with no finish line in sight. Although the end of the year is rapidly approaching, at least Cardi B has a solid few months left to continue to perfect her upcoming album.

You can watch Cardi B on ‘Ebro in the Morning’ here.

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