Zen X Terje Haakonsen Sword Series

Vol. 2.0!

Yes, another collab with Zen Snowboards is just coming through the pipes!

It’s been a wicked and stellar ride these past two years, and we’re happy to announce that we’re expanding the Zen/TH board repertoire. Whether you’re riding half-pipes, parks, banked slaloms, or cruising resorts for freeriding, Zen has the right board for you.

Spending more time with Reto Neiger and learning more about his style of board building played an important role in refining my ideal board flex and tuning experiences. As a result, we’re excited to add two more lengths and wider options for the 156 and 158 to the existing quiver. Having the right flex on your board is a crucial variable in the overall quest for better board control. Make sure you take your time to provide Reto as much input as possible when placing a custom order.

Ideally, if possible, you should spend half a day riding with Reto (try keeping up with him at Hasliberg). That way, he can personally observe your riding style, predispositions, and requirements, thus working his magic to tweak out a piece of art we like to call snowboards, uniquely for you.


Order here: https://zensnow.com/product/zen-x-terje-haakonsen/

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