Squid Games Contestants Turn the Tables

Two contestants from Netflix’s new ‘Squid Game: The Challenge’ are threatening legal action against the show’s co-producer, Studio Lambert, looking for compensation for the injuries they claim to have endured while filming the show.

After the release of the show, Netflix confirmed stories of three contestants needing medical attention during filming, but gave no additional information on the incidents. Express Solicitors, a personal injuries law firm, told the press that letters of claim have been mailed to Studio Lambert on behalf of the injured contestants. The two allegedly became injured during the iconic Squid Games “Red Light, Green Light” game, which was filmed in Cardington Studios in the UK.

The area apparently hit a cold front while filming “Red Light, Green Light,” causing both of the contestants to become hypothermic, resulting in nerve damage. The law firm says that the players put their health at risk by staying still for long periods of time in the extreme cold to stay in the running for Netflix’s largest cash prize ever. ‘Squid Game: The Challenge’ is the South Korean Netflix series brought to life, with no risk of death. Contestants compete in the same challenges from the original series to win the $4.56 million prize.

Express Solicitors CEO, Daniel Slade, told the public: “We recognize people may see this as a classic David and Goliath battle with the company and its production partners. Contestants thought they were taking part in something fun and those injured did not expect to suffer as they did. Now they have been left with injuries after spending time being stuck in painful stress positions in cold temperatures.”

A representative of the ‘Squid Game: The Challenge’ confirmed that “no lawsuit has been filed by any of the Squid Game contestants. We take the welfare of our contestants extremely seriously.” This means that the two contestants have yet to actually file a lawsuit and may be hoping that the production company will settle under the threat of further legal action.

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