Soulja Boy Demanding Retrial Due to Jury Misconduct

Soulja Boy, legally known as DeAndre Cortez Way, recently requested a retrial in the assault and kidnapping case filed by his ex-girlfriend, Kayla Myers. The basis for this request is the belief that the jury in the initial trial committed misconduct.

The case initially began in 2020, when Myers accused Soulja Boy of assault, battery, and false imprisonment. The alleged incident took place at the rapper’s Malibu residence and reportedly lasted for six hours. Myers presented testimony and photographic evidence of her injuries, which included three fractured ribs, during the trial. She also shared text messages and direct messages allegedly sent to her by Soulja Boy. Although he avoided criminal charges for the assault, authorities discovered weapons in his home, which violated his probation. He denied any wrongdoing and attributed Myers’ injuries to a third party.

A jury found in favor of Myers during the civil trial and ordered Soulja Boy to pay her a sum of $235,000. This amount included $1,800 for mental health expenses and $234,100 for physical and mental pain and suffering. The jury also concluded that Soulja Boy had engaged in “malice, oppression, or fraud.” However, following this decision, Myers was awarded an additional $236,000 in punitive damages. Punitive damages are typically given when a defendant is found to have acted negligently or with malice. This brought the total judgment Myers received to nearly $500,000.

On June 8, Soulja Boy’s legal team filed a motion for a new trial. They argued that there were “irregularities in the proceedings of the court, jury or adverse party, or any order of the court or abuse of discretion by which either party was prevented from having a fair trial.” Additionally, Soulja Boy claims that the jury engaged in misconduct and that he has discovered new evidence to present in a new trial.

If Soulja Boy’s legal team can prove that jury misconduct occurred, it may be grounds for a retrial. However, it is important to note that not all instances of misconduct will necessarily result in a retrial. The court must determine whether the misconduct in question had a substantial impact on the outcome of the case.

If a retrial is granted, it could have significant implications for both parties involved. For Soulja Boy, a retrial would provide an opportunity to present new evidence and potentially overturn the previous judgment. This could result in a reduced or eliminated payout to Myers. On the other hand, Myers would have to revisit the traumatic events of the alleged assault and kidnapping. She would also need to provide her testimony and evidence again in court, potentially reliving the emotional toll of the initial trial.

Soulja Boy’s request for a retrial in his assault and kidnapping case against ex-girlfriend Kayla Myers raises interesting questions about the role of jury misconduct in the legal process. If the court determines that misconduct occurred and had a significant impact on the trial’s outcome, it may grant the retrial and provide an opportunity for Soulja Boy to present new evidence. However, the potential implications of a retrial for both parties involved cannot be ignored. So far, Myers has not spoken to any reporters about the situation, and we will just have to wait and find out whether the request for retrial will be accepted or not.

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