Kampane Murderer Found Guilty in 2nd Trial

In an unexpected turn of events, Randy Manning, the man accused of murdering up-and- coming rapper Kampane in 2011, has been found guilty for a second time following a retrial.

Kampane, whose legal name was Rhian Stoute, was an aspiring rapper from Brooklyn who was tragically killed in 2011. In the years following Stoute’s death, the ongoing legal battle surrounding his accused killer, Randy Manning, has continued to make headlines. In 2014, Manning was convicted for the murder of Rhian Stoute and sentenced to life in prison. However, in a surprising twist, the New Jersey Supreme Court supported a lower court ruling overturning the conviction and granting Manning a new trial in 2020. This decision was based on the revelation that the Bergen County Prosecutor’s Office had failed to procure a warrant for Manning’s cell phone and GPS records.

In June 2021, a six-week retrial took place, culminating in Manning being found guilty once again for the murder of Kampane. The jury convicted Manning of several charges, including murder, desecration and unlawful moving of human remains, arson, destroying evidence, lying to law enforcement, and illegal gun possession. The sentencing is scheduled for July 21, with Manning facing a minimum of 30 years behind bars and a maximum of life in prison without the possibility of parole.

During the second trial, Senior Assistant Bergen County Prosecutor Danielle Grootenboer and Assistant Prosecutor Gary Donatello presented a compelling case against Manning. According to Grootenboer, Manning shot Kampane dead with a Glock handgun in a vacant house in Englewood, New Jersey, on August 15, 2011. He then left the scene and returned several hours later to set Stoute’s body on fire. Manning subsequently hid the body in Stoute’s Chevy Tahoe and drove it to Paramus, where he left it in a randomly chosen cul-de-sac. Manning also discarded crucial pieces of evidence in sewers in both Paramus and Brooklyn.

The exact motive behind Kampane’s murder remains unclear. However, reports suggest that Manning, who was unemployed at the time, may have been jealous of Stoute’s rising fame and success. The two men had reportedly been shopping together at a mall the day before the murder. Furthermore, prosecutors believe that the shooting may have been related to a dispute or involvement over money.

Two other individuals, Delroy Clarke and Natuchka Etienne, were arrested in connection with Kampane’s murder in 2011. Clarke, who was 23 at the time, allegedly picked up Manning after he had recovered Stoute’s charred body. He was charged with hindering Manning’s apprehension and held on $50,000 bail. Etienne, also 23 at the time and Manning’s girlfriend, allegedly attempted to create a false alibi for Manning.

Rhian “Kampane” Stoute was a talented rapper who had released two albums and several music videos, showcasing tremendous promise in the world of hip-hop. His death was a devastating loss to his family, friends, and fans, who continue to mourn his untimely passing.

The tragic murder of Kampane and the ensuing legal battle surrounding his accused killer, Randy Manning, have captivated public attention for nearly a decade. As we await the sentencing of Randy Manning on July 21, we can only hope that
this case serves as a cautionary tale for those involved in criminal activity and as a reminder of the devastating impact that senseless acts of violence can have on individuals, families, and communities.

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