DEA Seeking Contractor to Burn One Thousand Pounds of Marijuana an Hour

DEA Seeking Contractor to Burn One Thousand Pounds of Marijuana an Hour

The DEA’s Houston Division is searching for an Arizona contractor to incinerate up to 1,000 pounds of marijuana an hour between March and September. The weed will be transported from 12 cities in Texas to an incinerator in Tucson.

1,000 pounds…16,000 ounces…32,000 half ounces….64,000 quarters…128,000 eighths…453,592 grams…no matter how you put it, that a lot of damn weed!

This is no joke as the DEA will be performing background checks and drug tests on the all workers associated with the incineration and will have cameras recording every step of the process. So if you think you can sneak a few grams away…good luck!

A notice from the DEA reads “The integrity of the destruction process shall be such that the material to be destroyed cannot be redirected or retrieved once it is committed to destruction.” The DEA wants the marijuana to be destroyed “to a point where there are no detectable levels, as measured by standard analytical methods, of byproduct from the destruction process. DEA shall inspect the incinerator to ensure no drug residue remains.”

Oh and one last thing…the DEA requires the contractors location to have a fence tall enough to prevent onlookers from being able to watch the process.

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